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Upload Artwork

Upload your artwork 24 hours a day

play_arrowVerify that your order number matches your job description before you continue
play_arrowYou are required to upload 1 file per sort ordered, unless otherwise stated
play_arrowCheck our Artwork Guide for how to supply your artwork correctly
Need assistance? Call our PrePress team direct on 028 9032 3552 - opt 4
If any problems occur during artwork upload, the artwork can be emailed to

Check before uploading your artwork

play_arrowI have not placed text closer than 3mm to the edge of the page.
play_arrowI have not supplied the front and back pages side by side on a single PDF.
play_arrowI have checked to ensure there is a 3mm bleed where required.
play_arrowI have checked to ensure the orientation of the artwork is correct.
play_arrowI have checked to ensure there is no critical text which lies outside the printing area, as this will be cutoff during finishing.

Please ensure your artwork is correct, as any errors in your artwork will cause a delay in processing your job, and will result in an extra charge if the artwork needs changing once your job status has been updated to proofs approved.